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Hello! I'm Jon Woodcock – a UX Engineer focused on usability testing, human-centered design, and prototyping

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M.S. Industrial & Systems Engineering

Lean Six Sigma Green Belt

LEAP Leadership Trainer Certification

Skelton Award Winner (See video... Yes, I used to be athletic. Keyword: used)

I am passionate about UI/UX engineering and always want to leave users with the most positive experience, regardless of the product or process. I enjoy focusing on the users’ perspective when implementing design changes. I strive to be in an environment where I can utilize my optimism and passion for growth to continually develop as a person and professional. 

I have experience in:

  • UI/UX Design

  • User Profiling

  • Usability Testing 

  • Prototypes & Wireframes 

  • HCI


  • Photoshop

  • Illustrator 

  • Axure

  • Solidworks

  • JMP Statistics Analysis

  • HTML & CSS

Home: Personal Statement
City Scape


Professional Experience

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Home: Experience

January 2021 - Present (Part



  • Set up & currently managing a Mixed Reality lab that focuses on the use of augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) to facilitate and enhance Naval projects at Fathomwerx, in Port Hueneme.

  • Assisting people and groups how to utilize AR/VR technology for their various projects.

  • Utilizing AR/VR for maintenance and training purposes to make users feel like they are on a ship and getting “hands-on” experience, while cutting the travel costs for this specialized training.

  • Researching to prove that the HoloLens 2 can remotely connect the ship to an expert technician on land by assisting in the Augmented Reality Remote Maintenance Service System (ARRMSS)demo on the Self Defense Test Ship (SDTS).

  • Assisting User Interface (UI) design efforts for the ARRMSS tool by implementing user feedback from Usability tests.

  • Unity is the game engine used for developing different AR/VR tools & scenes.

  • Microsoft’s HoloLens 2 for AR & HTC’s Vive Pro for VR are the main devices we work with in the lab.


September 2019 - Present



  • Managing a team of ten engineers to guarantee that all parties are ready to perform Combat System Ship Qualification Trials (CSSQTs).

  • Collaborating with the customer and stakeholders to deliver planning, documentation, budgeting, and to make sure execution of the CSSQT goes according to plan.

  • Working with Test & Evaluation (T&E) team to ensure Ship Self Defense System (SSDS) elements are functioning correctly on CVN/L class ships.

  • Supervising the CSSQT team to ensure the Project Officer & Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) are informed that all system elements are functioning properly. This includes delivering end users (sailors) precise information for understanding SSDS and its equipment.

  • Utilizing data analytics to ensure that all systems are integrated, function properly, and adequate training is provided to users.

  • Designed and continually developing a “Wiki” page for S24 (government branch) that is being utilized as a document repository for all CSSQT and T&E documentation.

  • Created & maintain a CSSQT Planning Schedule on Jira to include dates and ship assignments.

  • Creating an SSDS Familiarization Plan of Actions & Milestones (POA&M) to guarantee the CSSQT Team is progressing to become qualified Project Engineers in support of the customer, S24.

  • Coordinating and setting up an SSDS “mini-lab” at JSL in order to provide world-class training recourses for the CSSQT team.

  • Hosting weekly meetings & distribute meeting minutes on CSSQT updates that affect S-Department.


November 2018 - Present

  • Served as a Leadership Development Consultant with Transformation Systems, Inc. which is a management system engineering and executive solutions company helping organizations to achieve bold goals in ways that are leaner, faster, better, smarter and more cost-effective.

  • Coordinated training activities such as: detailed preparation for all training events, developing and updating training material, evaluating training programs, and ensuring all follow-up actions are completed.

  • Utilized Lean Six Sigma green belt to improve the hiring process for Port Hueneme’s Navy Base. Eliminated nearly 100 days from the original process. Took the new hiring process Visio flowchart and produced an SOP document for the command to follow.


Feb 2018 - June 2019 (1099 employee since Nov. 2018)

  • Assisted the product development team in performing appropriate UX and Usability Engineering techniques throughout the design process of a product to ensure safe and effective use.

  • Created a Usability Engineering Standard of Procedure (SOP) in accordance with ICE 62366-1 to ensure that industry regulations were met both in international and domestic markets. 

  • Researched the target audience and created design prototypes in order to run formative evaluations, drive design improvements, and eventually perform usability validation testing. I coordinated product usability testing with 3rd party laboratories and used the results to create and submit product technical files to Notified bodies (FDA).

  • Helped produce relevant product instructions for use (IFUs) using Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator.


June 2017 - March 2018

  • Assisted Human Factors efforts for the MQ-25 Stingray, the unmanned aerial refueling aircraft.

  • Completed a Goal Directed Task Analysis (GDTA) for initial operations of the MQ-25. This involved gathering the high-level goals, developing the information requirements of operators, validating those with operational (active duty) users, and developing & running trials for situational awareness queries.

  • Ran a Situation Awareness Global Assessment Technique (SAGAT) using Vigilant Spirit by pausing the simulation and blanking the displays to assess situational awareness (SA) of Air Vehicle Operators (AVO).

  • Supported integration of a voice communication system into the touch screen on the AVO's console using Agile development processes. Assisted in the User Interface (UI) design of the touch screen.

  • Created an Operator Task Analysis (OTA) for an AVO to see what communication functions would be necessary for the UI of the touch screen to include and what else would be "nice to have".

  • Created and utilized specific MQ-25 scenarios that an AVO can expect to encounter when operating the air vehicle to be used during usability testing.

  • Ran subject matter experts (SMEs) through usability tests using a functioning prototype of the touch- screen communication monitor to collect feedback and prioritize usability issues.

  • Came up with solutions for prominent User Interface (UI) issues and incorporated them in the prototype to improve usability and functionality.


August 2016 - May 2017

  • Helped run usability experiments on futuristic automotive technologies utilizing VTTI’s Smart Road.

  • Assisted with data collection, entry, and analysis with multiple studies that focused on UI design as well as audio/visual alerts.

  • Microsoft Excel was used for data entry and then to run analysis. Microsoft PowerPoint was used to synthesize all the data and create a presentation to share findings within VTTI and proprietary sponsors.


May 2016 - August 2016

  • Worked with a design team to redesign an existing injection device and instruction for use (IFU) to improve ergonomics and overall user experience when performing an injection.

  • Researched the target audience for the medical device, then SolidWorks and Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator were utilized to create design prototypes.

  • After a design was finalized, a usability / human factors study was created and then ran internally. Tobii Eye-Tracking Glasses and Software was used to perform the study and see what participants focus on when reading the injection instructions.

  • A presentation was created to convey the necessity to implement a more ergonomic design of the existing auto-injector (AI) as well as redesigning instructions for use (IFU) and an easy-open package to go along with the new device.


Home: Education


During my graduate studies at Virginia Tech, I have been involved in research performed in the Cognitive Engineering for Novel Technologies (COGENT) Lab. The lab’s focus is to conduct basic applied human factors and HCI research on perception and cognition. Some of the projects managed by the COGENT lab included perceptual challenges in augmented reality, user experience engineering for novel interfaces, and human factors in data-intensive sciences.


Focused on Social and Developmental Psychology, along with Sensation & Perception. Performed research for the Center for Applied Behavior Systems (CABS).


Samples of Work

Home: Portfolio


With the significant increase in online shopping over the past decade, an augmented reality shopping device isn't far out of reach. The idea behind this prototype was to come up with an easy-to-use and effective way for users to see how items will appear in the surrounding environment by utilizing the augmented reality feature.



This is a sample prototype that serves as an innovative and ergonomic heads-up display (HUD) design for UAVthat follows new FAA guidelines. A modified optical head-mounted display (OHMD) design was chosen, which allows the users to view the projected images of the first-person-view (FPV) reflected on the screen while giving them the freedom to switch to view line-of-sight (LOS). The FPV and LOS images will both have the UAV performance parameters, UAV tracker, and obstacle alert signal displayed. The NL-5604 has a bimodal alarm system that detects obstacles within a certain distance from the drone through signals transmitted by the Doppler radar mounted on the UAV.



Time was spent researching the target audience for the medical device, then SolidWorks and Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator were utilized to create design prototypes. After a design was finalized, a usability / human factors study was created and then ran internally. Tobii Eye-Tracking Glasses and Software was used to perform the study and see what participants focus on when reading the injection instructions. A new instructions for use (IFU) was created and also turned into a user-friendly mobile application.



Performing assessments and examining occupational environments for safety hazards that may cause musculoskeletal injuries are fundamental skills in human factors engineering and ergonomics. In this project I examine the possible occupational injuries that may occur within the aviation community. Paying particular attention to the ergonomics of the cockpit seats.



Thanks for submitting!


1052 S Rice Rd
Ojai, California 93023




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"Jon's work ethic, commitment to academics and athletics, and above all his leadership qualities, have driven his successful tenure at Virginia Tech... the ability to lead and the ability to work well with others are keys to success. Jon has both these qualities in a unique blend."

Whit Babcock, Virginia Tech Athletic Director


"I believe Jon has a true gift of interacting with others in a caring and professional manner. I sincerely believe his experiences, personality and maturity will give him an upper hand in his future career."

Dr. John Dooley, Virginia Tech Foundation CEO


"Jon Woodcock is a great contributor and tackles his tasks with initiative and passion. He works great with others and can be an asset in any position. Jon's consistent positive attitude and dedication will continue to bring him success as he moves forward in his professional career."

Trey Frazier, Hokie Club Associate Director

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